Inclusion Week

Inclusion Week

This year all of Northville Schools are participating in Inclusion week.  This is a week that we work on awareness for inclusion.  Here is a list of things that will be happening during the week of February 27-March 3. Spirit week, show your spirit during this week by wearing something to meet one of the theme days.  Please check out the flyers on the TVs around the school.  You will be awarded spirit points to go toward grade-level competitions.  We will be having special events during Lunch times on Monday, February 27th: Inclusion swag and a bake sale during all three lunches on Tuesday, February 28th, and Wednesday, March 1st  will be our spread kindness day, so be sure to look how to participate. Finally, on Friday we will have an after-school Silent Disco from 3:30-5:30 that will include a silent disco, games, crafts, and snacks for a cost of $10.00 per person. Proceeds for the silent disco will go toward Unified School needs.   

Inclusion Week: Shirt Sales:  Shirts were created and drawn by NHS and former Hillside student Dime Fermanis.  Here is the link

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