General Information
The Student Day
The student day will run from 8:12 a.m. to 3:03 p.m. Students will be provided with a lunch period approximately 40 minutes long. The school doors will open at 7:45 a.m. Please do not arrive at school before 8:00 a.m. if you are a walker.. Students are not permitted at their lockers or any other location prior to 7:45 a.m. unless prior arrangements have been made with a teacher or the office.
Passing to Class
The time interval between classes is five minutes. This is adequate time if you plan ahead and do not stop to talk to your friends in the hall. It should not be necessary to go to your locker after each class. You should get books needed before first hour and after lunch. Backpacks must be left in lockers during the school day.
Hall Passes
Students are not to be in the hall during class time without a specific pass in writing from your teacher. Students are expected to be in class during class time and with the proper materials with which to work. At lunch time, students are expected to be in the assigned areas unless they possess a hall pass.